Event Day Guide
Heading to the AFL? Marvel Stadium has announced new CovidSafe stadium changes
With the 2021 AFL season now underway, Marvel Stadium is excited to welcome fans back to the stadium – and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone on event day, they have implemented a number of new and increased safety measures.
The stadium will be segmented into four zones, meaning fans won’t have access to the entire venue. There will be amenities and food and beverage stores in every zone.
As per Victorian Government regulations, fans attending matches at Marvel Stadium will need to QR code sign in once they are in the stadium.
[su_box title=”Fans are encouraged to:” box_color=”#026cdf”]• Download your mobile ticket before you arrive at the venue
• Forward tickets to everyone attending within your group
• Download the Service Victoria app before you arrive at the venue
• Arrive early and enter via the Gate listed on your ticket
• Once inside the venue, scan the QR Code and check-in[/su_box]
Mask wearing is encouraged
Wearing a mask is not mandatory when moving around the stadium and while queuing outside the venue, however it is encouraged so please ensure you bring a mask with you, and as a precaution, wear it when moving around the stadium.
All tickets are digital

All tickets purchased through Ticketmaster are now digital, meaning you can easily access your tickets on your phone via the Ticketmaster App, add them straight to your phone’s ticket wallet, and share them with your friends and family.
Because your phone now holds your ticket, please remember to charge your phone as much as possible before entering Marvel Stadium. There are a small number of charging stations on Level 1 or 2 if needed.
All patrons will also be required to complete a digital health screening process, to be completed at the time of ticket purchase or ticket allocation.
[su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed” divider_color=”#026cdf” link_color=”#1f262d” size=”1″ margin=”5″]
Arrival at Marvel Stadium might look a little different
To ensure social distancing and the safe arrival of all fans, Marvel Stadium has introduced staggered arrival times – you and your group will need to stick to the times listed on your ticket/s. If you miss your entry time, there may be a delay.
You will also be allocated a specific gate for entry which is based on your seat location – this will be the only gate you will be allowed to enter through.
Once inside Marvel Stadium, please scan the QR code displayed and check in with your details.
Marvel Stadium is now cashless

Make sure you’ve got your bank card, Tap & Go/Apple Pay or similar contactless payment choice ready to go on your phone because moving forward Marvel Stadium is cashless – this includes food, beverages, parking, and merchandise. There will be no cash transactions within the venue to ensure faster service and that COVIDSafe measures are adhered to.
Only bring what you need
To fast-track entry into the stadium, Marvel Stadium encourages you to travel without a bag. If one is necessary, only bags that will fit under your seat will be permitted in. Please note, all patrons entering Marvel Stadium will be subject to a bag search and you will be responsible for packing and unpacking your own bag.
There will also be no cloaking/cloakrooms available within the venue.
How do I purchase Accessible tickets to Marvel Stadium?
Mobility impaired patrons will purchase their tickets via Ticketmaster’s Accessible Seating Line, or via the email service for Wheelchair, Companion Card or Special Needs booking requirements. More information about Accessible Bookings can be found here.
You can read more about Marvel Stadium’s COVIDSafe Plan on their website
The 2021 AFL season is on now. Find tickets at