

Dear sports mums…

We are sending a big thank you to all the sports mums around Australia!

Sports mums deserve to be cherished. On the weekend, and late on weeknights, when other parents might be relaxing, sports mums are hustling from game to game and competition to competition, packing gym bags, searching for missing socks, and cheering us on from the sidelines.

So sports mums, this one is for you!

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Dear sports mums,

Thank you for being our biggest fan, week in, week out.

For sitting in the freezing cold, clutching your hot drink to watch us play, for sitting in the scorching sun applying sunscreen every hour, or for enduring hours sat in uncomfortable auditorium chairs craning your neck to see the stage.

Thank you for waking up extra early on the weekends to make sure we get to our games and meets on time. We know you’d love a sleep-in but somehow you always manage to be up earlier than us, ready to go.

Thank you for playing taxi driver – to every game day, training session, competition, and rehearsal. Also, thank you for sometimes letting us control the radio.

Thank you for always cheering the loudest, even when our team is losing. Looking to the sidelines and seeing your ecstatic face is the best part of any weekend.

Thank you for the post-competition debrief. Even when we get angry about you picking out something we did wrong, we really do appreciate all the attention you pay.

Thanks, mum, for always bringing the weekly team snacks. (From the tray of oranges to the tub of lollies…and the sneaky canteen hot dog).

And for always cleaning the mud and grass out of our boots. And the stains out of our costumes. And for always matching up our socks.

Sorry for making you sit in the rain and the wind, but thank you for only complaining a bit.

Whether it’s football, rugby, netball, swimming, tennis, dancing, cricket, gymnastics…the list really does go on…we want to thank you, Mum, for your unconditional support. We love you.